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GONG laboratory

Research fields/Keywords:crosslinked polymer, crystalline gel, synthesis, structure-property design, application

Professor Jin GONGProfessor Jin GONG

In our laboratory, we are striving to develop crystalline gels possessing high strength, similar to plastics, but can undergo large deformations and recover their shape, like rubber. In addition, by making these tough crystalline gels highly transparent, we are considering various applications such as lenses and other optical components, safe soft robots for interpersonal interactions, freshness preservation of fruits and vegetables etc.

Some examples of currently active themes are,

1. Development of tough and high transparent crystalline gels for applications as lenses

2. Development of artificial gels for the skin and tissues of soft robots

Exploiting the similarity in physical properties between gels and biological tissues, we are developing artificial skin and tissues for soft robots. Depending on the soft robots’ purpose and usage environment, it is possible to tune the properties of the gel skin and tissues, e.g., flexibility, strength, surface roughness, color etc.

3. Transparent 3D printing of crystalline shape-memory gel

In crystalline materials, if we can control the crystal size such that it is smaller than optical wavelengths, then we can 3D print crystalline gels that retain both their toughness and transparency. By 3D printing crystalline shape-memory gels, we can create various objects directly from the reaction solution.

You can visit our laboratory anytime. Please contact us in advance to avoid visiting during our absence., 0238-26-3135