Home > Research > MATSUBA laboratory
Research fields/Keywords:polymer properties, precise structure analysis, spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray scattering
Professor Go MATSUBA
Our laboratory focuses on the analysis of the structure and the characterization of polymers. Using microscopy, X-ray scattering and several other experimental techniques, we investigate the structure and molecular dynamics of polymers over wide spatial scales.
We perform experiments at “large-scale research facilities” (SPring-8, J-PARC, Photon Factory (KEK)) and facilities within the University (x-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), microscopes equipped with a high-speed camera, viscoelasticity etc.). We also perform experiments using facilities at other universities both within and outside Japan.
Combining the aforementioned experiments and analysis, we are investigating the detailed structure of polymers and biomaterials. We are actively engaged in domestic and international collaborations with universities and industries. This offers abundant opportunities for interacting with a great many people, through which we hope to improve our research efforts and to develop the capabilities of our students.
Shall we try to do “world-leading” researches?
We are an extremely active research group who energetically participate in events. We also actively travel for conferences, experiments and research collaborations. Basically, we expect students to proceed towards their Master’s degree. As independence is highly regarded in research, we welcome students who have their own opinions and act based on them. We are recruiting students who are interested in observing the structure or in the nature and physical properties of polymers. Further, we want students who are interested in operating large equipment, who enjoy research from the bottom of their hearts and who like to build a research laboratory together.
In addition, structure analysis is also in great demand in the industry. Also, through global activities such as research collaborations and international conferences, students can develop capabilities that are world-class.
Facebook: matsubalab
Line/Twitter: gmatsuba
Instagram: gomatsuba
Students who wish to join our laboratory or are even just mildly interested are welcome to visit us (contact us using Line or Twitter). Also, our Facebook page is updated occasionally.