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MATSUI laboratory

Research fields/Keywords:organic transistors, organic circuits, device physics, simulation, patch-type sensors

Professor Hiroyuki MATSUIProfessor Hiroyuki MATSUI

Matsui laboratory is a new laboratory established in October 2016. We develop printed and flexible electronic devices using organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). We collaborate with Tokito-Kumaki-Sekine laboratory and Nagamine laboratory in ROEL and many industrial companies.

Device physics of organic field-effect transistors

Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are the electronic devices to control the flow of electrons. OFETs can be used for flexible displays, large-area sheet sensors, and wireless IC tags. We develop high-performance OFETs and investigate the mechanisms of the charge transport in OFETs.

Printed organic integrated circuits

We develop thin, flexible, light-weight and low-cost electronic devices by inkjet printing and reverse-offset printing. A variety of circuits are designed, based on air-stable and printable p-type and n-type organic semiconductors.

Patch-type health sensing devices

Utilizing the flexibility of organic materials, we develop patch-type health sensing devices composed of organic sensors, organic signal processing circuits and organic wireless communication circuits.